HPV, an abbreviation for Human
Papillomavirus, refers to a group of more than 100 types of viruses that affect
the genital area. A high-risk strain of HPV
in women can cause cervical cancer if left untreated. A large number of
these viruses are transmitted through sexual contact.
This group of virus is very
prevalent among sexually active individuals. Experts claim that more than half
of sexually active individuals will be contract HPV at one time in their life.
The sad fact is that most of these victims will never know that they are
infected because HPV in most cases has no symptoms and will often disappear on
its own.
Transmission of HPV from one
individual to another happens through skin-to-skin and genitalia contact. This
normally occurs during penetrative vaginal or anal sex. HPV transmission may also
occur, at a lesser degree, in oral sex or in hand-to-genital contact.
Women with HPV hardly
realize they are infected. It is important for every sexually active woman to
have regular Pap tests to check for changes caused by HPV on the cervix. A Pap
test is basically a simple medical test that involves scrapping cell samples
from a woman’s cervix for examination under a microscope.
HPV can be prevented through
vaccination. Two types of HPV vaccines known as Cervarix and Gardasil have been
found to be quite effective in protecting young women from HPV infections that
may likely cause cervical cancer. The vaccines are most effective when given to
11 and twelve year old girls who have not yet had their first sexual encounter.
Each vaccine is usually given in 3 doses. It is advisable to consult your
doctor before getting the vaccines. However, the vaccine should not be a
replacement for wearing condoms or practicing safe sex to avoid other STD